
Let's have another look at making lists 'te' and 'he' whānau.

The correct Māori translation for 'They played rugby, basketball, netball and touch' is 'Ka tākaro rātou i te rīki,   , i te pā whutupāoro'.

The correct Māori translation for 'Horotiu ate an eel, see-egg, crayfish, oyster and pāua' is 'Ka kainga e Horotiu te tuna, te kina,   '.

The correct English translation for 'He kiwi, he kea, he rūrū, he pūkeko, he kererū ngā manu i kite a Hine' is 'Hine saw a kiwi,   } and woodpigeon

The correct English translation for 'Ka kainga e rātou te parāoa, te toroi, te tuna, te ika mata, te poaka' is 'They ate bread, fermented pūhā,   '.

The correct Māori translation for 'Tama saw the monkeys, lions, rhinoceroses and elephants' is 'Ka kite a Tama i ngā makimaki,   i ngā arewhana'.

The correct English translation for 'A pencil, pen, ruler, book and bag were his gear for school' is 'He pene rākau,   , he pēke āna taputapu mō te kura'.

What is the correct English translation for 'He kāpiti, he kumara, he karoti, he rīwai, he riki ngā huawhenua o tō mātou māra' is 'Cabbage, sweet potato, carrots,   '.


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