
Let's review 'mā' and 'mō' with a singular pronoun to indicate future possession.

The correct Māori translation for 'Who is this for?' is '   '.

The correct Māori translation for 'This fermented corn is for the visitors' is '   te kānga wai nei'.

The correct Māori translation for 'What are these for?' is '   '.

The correct Māori translation for 'Those papers are for Rere' is '   pepa'.

The correct Māori translation for 'There are the cups for the water' is 'Arā he   '.

The correct Māori translation for 'This is the shirt for Hōhepa' is 'Ko te   '.

The correct Māori translation for 'How much does that television set cost?' is 'He aha te   '.


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