Check out the use of 'mā' and 'mō' with a singular pronoun to indicate future possession.
You need to decide whether 'mā' or 'mō' should be used in the following Māori sentence. 'He aha te utu ___ te pouaka whakaata nā?' or 'How much is the television set?'
You need to decide whether 'mā' or 'mō' should be used in the following Māori sentence. 'Ko tēnei te hāte ___ Hohepa' or 'This is Joseph's shirt'.
You need to decide whether 'mā' or 'mō' should be used in the following sentence. '___ tō pāpā ērā kina' or 'Those kina are for your dad'.
You need to decide whether 'mā' or 'mō' should be used in the following sentence. '___ Rere ērā pepa' or 'Those papers are for Rere'.
You need to decide whether 'mā' or 'mō' should be used in the following Māori sentence. '___ ngā manuhiri te kānga wai nei' or 'This fermented corn is for the visitors'.
You need to decide whether 'mā' or 'mō' should be used in the following Māori sentence. '___ wai ēnei hū?' or 'Who are these shoes for?'
You need to decide whether 'mā' or 'mō' should be used in the following Māori sentence. '___ Petera ngā paraikete kei runga i te tūru rā' or 'The blankets on that chair over there are for Petera'.
Useful Tips
Please ensure that you enter your answers using the correct combination of lower and upper case.
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