Test & Homework

Let's have a go at some more exercises and see if our homework from Te Murumāra is right.

In our homework session with today, Te Murumāra wants o know how to say 'today's date is July the 13th' in Māori. From the options provided, choose the correct translation.
  • Ko te tekau mā toru o Hūrae tēnei rā
  • Ko te tekau mā whā o Hune tēnei rā
  • ko te tekau mā toru o Hanuere tēnei rā

If your nanny asked you and your friends, 'Kia hia ngā inu mā koutou?', what would she be asking you in English?


You tell your nanny 'Six please'. How do you say this in Māori?


You asked your children 'Kia hia ngā aihikirimi mā koutou?' What have you asked them?


Your children tell you 'Kia toru'. How many have they asked for?


What is the correct Māori translation for 'Stop!'?


What is the correct Māori translation for 'meat'?


What is the correct Māori translation for 'agree'?



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