Test & Homework

Check out your answer to Te Murumāra's homework and see if you're right!

In today's homework session, Te Murumāra has asked you to translate the following sentence into Māori, 'The shoes cost fifty-five dollars.' '   .'

What is the correct Māori equivalent for 'Pass an apple (for me), please!'?
  • Homai koa te tūru mōku!
  • Homai he āporo māku!
  • Homai koa ōku hū, please!

What is the English equivalent for 'Hoatu te tote ki a Hēmi'?
  • Give his hat to him.
  • Tui gave the banana to the baby
  • Pass the salt to Hēmi

What is the correct Māori equivalent for 'Give me the milk, please!'?
  • Homai koa te miraka!
  • Give me your money!
  • Give me your ball, please!

What is the correct English equivalent for 'Homai koa te tūru mōku!'?
  • Pass me my shoes, please!
  • Give the cup of tea to nana, please.
  • Pass the chair for me, please!

What is the correct Māori translation for 'Pass the butter to Hohoia, please'?
  • Ka hoatu a Tui i te panana ki te pēpi.
  • Hoatu koa te pata ki a Hohaia.
  • Hoatu tōna pōtae ki a ia.

What is the Ngāti Porou word for 'rascal' or 'nuisance'?
  • Pihareinga
  • Kaiwhete
  • Hōhā

What is the correct English equivalent for 'Homai koa tō paoro!'?
  • Give me your ball, please!
  • Give me your money!
  • Pass an apple (for me), please!

Re-arrange the words on the right-hand side to match the words on the left-hand side.

  • Wart
  • Be Expert
  • Button
  • To press down
  • To practise
  • Pātene
  • Parakitihi
  • Kiritona
  • Tohunga
  • Pēhi


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