Test & Homework
Let's take a look at the answer to our homework from Te Murumāra.
In today's homework session, Te Murumāra wants you to identify the 'object' and the 'subject' in the following sentence. 'Kei te patu te tamaiti i te paoro'.
Re-arrange the words on the right-hand side to match the words on the left-hand side.
- Rui
- Waihanga
- Tote
- Ārero
- Tatū
- Discard
- Build
- Tongue
- Salt
- To be settled
The following sentence is not in the right order. We want you to choose the correct sentence structure from the options below. 'koutou hoki ātaahua tō!'
The following sentence is not in the right order. We want you to choose the correct sentence structure from the options below. 'weriweri hoki tō!'
The following sentence is not in the right order. We want you to choose the correct sentence structure from the options below. 'māngere koutou tō hoki!'
The following sentence is not in the right order. We want you to choose the correct sentence structure from the options below. 'pōturi hoki rātou tō!'
The following sentence is not in the right order. We want you to choose the correct sentence structure from the options below. 'Tō kino koutou hoki!'
The following sentence is not in the right order. We want you to choose the correct sentence structure from the options below. 'rātou tō pōrangi hoki!'
Useful Tips
Please ensure that you enter your answers using the correct combination of lower and upper case.
To make it easy to enter macrons, select the box you wish to enter text into, and press the correct macron button below.