
Today's learning is about basic commands using statives with 'te' or 'tō'.

We want you to place 'te' correctly in the following sentence to show how the command will include the action. 'Kia tere haere!' '   '

We want you to place 'te' correctly in the following sentence to show how the command will include the action. 'Kia kaha mahi!' '   '

We want you to place 'tā koutou' correctly in the following sentence to show how the command will include the action. 'Kia tika tuhituhi!' '   '

We want you to place 'te' correctly in the following sentence to show how the command will include the action. 'Kia tūpato haere!' '   '

We want you to place 'te' correctly in the following sentence to show how the command will include the action. 'Kia tere oma!' '   '

We want you to place 'tā koutou' correctly in the following sentence to show how the command will include the action. 'Kia mutu kōrero!' '   '

We want you to place 'tō' correctly in the following sentence to show how the command will include the action. 'Kia oti kai!' '   '


Useful Tips

Please ensure that you enter your answers using the correct combination of lower and upper case.

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