Test & Homework
Whakamātautau time again whānau. Kia kaha!
What is the correct English translation for 'E whā tāra'?
What is the correct English translation for 'E rua tekau tāra, e rima tekau hēneti'?
What is the correct English translation for 'E whā tekau tāra, e iwa tekau hēneti'?
What is the correct English translation for 'E waru tekau tāra, e ono tekau hēneti'?
What is the correct English translation for 'E toru tekau mā whā tāra, e iwa tekau mā iwa hēneti'?
Re-arrange the words on the right-hand side to match the words on the left-hand side.
- Harikoa
- Waea pūkoro
- Pīrori
- Pāteri
- Niho
- Be joyful/glad/cheerful
- Cell phone
- Tooth
- Battery
- Bowl/bowling
Useful Tips
Please ensure that you enter your answers using the correct combination of lower and upper case.
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