We've learnt a lot this week whānau. We've been busy with 'me' and 'ā'. So let's see how well you do with our revision.
Where would you put 'ā' in the following sentence, 'Ka tuhi te tohunga ki ngā awa ki ngā maunga' to translate into English as 'The tohunga pointed to the rivers and the mountains.'
Where would you put 'ā' in the following sentence, 'He pai tēnei kiriata he koretake tēnā kiriata' to translate into English as 'This is a good movie and that’s not a good movie'
Where would you put 'ā' in the following sentence, 'Ka moe rātou ka ngongoro te koroua.' to translate into English as 'They slept and the elderly man snored.'
Where would you put 'ā' in the following sentence, 'He reka tēnei inu he kawa tēnā inu.' to translate into English as 'This drink is sweet and this drink.'
Where would you put 'ā' in the following sentence, 'Ka horoi ka kai te whānau' to translate into English as 'The family washed and ate.'
Where would you put 'me' in the following sentence, 'Kei runga a Nataria tana mokopuna i te pahi' to translate into English as 'Nataria and her grandchild are on the bus'?
Where would you put 'me' in the following sentence, 'Kei hea a Raukura tana hoa tāne?' to translate into English as 'Where are Raukura and her partner?'
Where would you put 'me' in the following sentence, 'Kei hea a Rangiora āna māpere?' to translate into English as 'Where is Rangiora and his marbles?'
Where would you put 'me' in the following sentence, 'Kua kite koe i te poaka te hoihō?' to translate into English as 'Have you seen the pig and the horse?'
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