
Yesterday we looked at particle 'ā'. Let's revise what we learnt.

Where would you put 'ā' in the following sentence, 'Ka horoi ka kai te whānau' to translate into English as 'The family washed and ate.'
  • Between 'horoi' and 'ka'
  • Between 'ka' and 'kai'
  • After 'whānau'

Where would you put 'ā' in the following sentence, 'Ka au te kurī ka tangi te pēpi.' to translate into English as 'The dog barked and the baby cried.'
  • Between 'tangi' and 'te'.
  • Between 'kurī' and 'ka'.
  • Between 'te' and 'kurī'.

Where would you put 'ā' in the following sentence, 'He reka tēnei inu he kawa tēnā inu.' to translate into English as 'This drink is sweet and that drink is sour.'
  • Between 'inu' and 'he'.
  • Between 'kawa' and 'tēnā'.
  • Before 'He'.

Where would you put 'ā' in the following sentence, 'Ka moe rātou ka ngongoro te koroua.' to translate into English as 'They slept and the elderly man snored.'
  • Between 'moe' and 'rātou'.
  • Between 'ngongoro' and 'te'
  • Between 'rātou' and 'ka'.

Where would you put 'ā' in the following sentence, 'He pai tēnei kiriata he koretake tēnā kiriata' to translate into English as 'This is a good movie and that’s not a good movie'  


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