Test & Homework

Here's the revision of our learning points today and the answer to the homework from Te Murumāra. Kia ora rā.

The homework question from Te Murumāra asks 'What is the question in Māori?' to which you could give any of the following answers... 'Ki te kai', 'Ki te hoko tāonga', 'Ki te mahi'.  

Re-arrange the words on the right-hand side to match the words on the left-hand side.

  • Nā māua
  • Nā rāua
  • Nā tāua
  • Nā kōrua
  • You and I did
  • We (two people excluding the listener) did
  • Those two did
  • You (two people including the listener) did

What is the correct Māori translation for 'comical'?


What is the correct Māori translation for 'second cousin'?


What is the correct Māori translation for 'different'?



Useful Tips

Please ensure that you enter your answers using the correct combination of lower and upper case.

To make it easy to enter macrons, select the box you wish to enter text into, and press the correct macron button below.

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