
At the beginning of the week we introduced you to the sentence structure 'i pēhea' in order to ask how something was. Now we're looking at extending the concept of 'i' for something that happened in the past.

'Luke washed the dishes', translates to Māori as 'I horoi a Ruka   ngā rīhi.

'Miria's friends watched the netball' translates into Māori as 'I mātakitaki netipaoro ngā   o Miria.'

'They took the kits to the truck' translates to Māori as 'I   rātou i ngā kete ki te taraka'.

'The children climbed the hill' translates into Māori as 'I piki   tamariki ki runga i te puke'.

The correct way to say 'I tiki a Mere i tana pēke' in English is 'Mere   her bag'.

The correct way to say 'I haere te whaea o Hemi ki te pēke ki te tiki moni' in English is 'Hemi's mum   to the bank to get some money'.


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