
See how many exercises you can get right!

What's the translation for 'Kua toru karaka'.
  • It's two o'clock
  • It's five o'clock
  • It's three o'clock

What is the translation for 'Kua rua karaka'.
  • It's one o'clock
  • It's two o'clock
  • It's three o'clock

What is the Māori translation for 'it's six o'clock'
  • Kua tahi karaka
  • Kua ono karaka
  • Kua waru karaka

Using the term 'wā' how would you 'ask for the time'?
  • He aha te wā?
  • He aha te tāima?

Which of the following is the correct translation for 'kua toru karaka'.
  • It's 3 o'clock
  • It's 9 o'clock
  • It's 4 o'clock

How would you say 'it's eleven o'clock'.
  • Kua tekau mā tahi karaka
  • Kua tekau karaka

When translating the time to Māori, you would put the hour before 'karaka'. Is this statement correct?
  • Yes
  • No

How would you say 'it's five o'clock'?
  • Kua iwa karaka
  • Kua rima karaka
  • Kua tekau karaka


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