A new day presents a new challenge and out Tōku Reo challenge today is taking the word 'ko' and its' relationship with the dual pronouns that weve been looking at over the past few episodes.
Which option is the Māori equivalent for, 'Are you and Tanirau going?'
What's the translation for, 'Where are you and Mihi from?'
'You and Rangiora better listen', is the English translation for which option below?
Which of the following is the translation for 'Heta and I are leaving?'
Which of the following options is the translation for 'Me tatari māua ko Nero?'
'Kei te haere māua ko Faith ki hea?' This is the Māori equivalent for which option in the list?
What's the translation for 'Nō hea a Kemara rāua ko Wikitari?'
Which option below translates to 'Donna and Phillip are going to the shopping centre.'
'E haere ana a Rangiora rāua ko Mihi ki hea?' This is the Māori equivalent for which option?
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