Time to learn how to say your name, and some more responses to 'How are you?'
When you ask someone 'ko wai tō ingoa' what are you asking for?
If Patariki asked for Mahina's name, how would Mahina respond to him?
How would Āwhina introduce her name to a new friend?
'Ko Grey taku ingoa.' What does this phrase translate to?
The phrase 'kei te wherū' is used to convey which of the following?
If you ask Mahina how she is and she responds with, 'Heoi anō' what does she mean?
Patariki asks Mahina how she is, Mahina will reply and say 'still strong'. How will she say this?
'Te mutunga kē mai o te pai.' What does this phrase mean?
Mahina is at work, she is very busy and snowed under! How would she say this?
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