
Let's revise some of the greetings from previous episodes. Let's also revise ways of greeting people using their names as well. Kia kaha!

When greeting one person we would say 'Tēnā   .'

When greeting 3 or more people we would say 'Tēnā   .'

When greeting 2 people you would say 'Tēnā   .'

When addressing people, if a person's name has two syllables or less then you put what letter in front of the name? Tēnā koe,   Hata.

To greet a girl you would say 'Tēnā koe   .'

You meet your mother and your aunty at the marae and greet them both using which phrase? Tēnā   .

You meet your whānau at the marae. You don't want to go around saying 'Tēnā koe' to everyone so to greet everyone at the same time you say?   .

You are about to meet Tū. How do you greet Tū using 'e' before his name?   .

Tēnā koutou katoa means 'reetings to you   '


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