We have moved on from greetings and now we know how to ask questions about people's names. Let's revise how to ask someones name.
You have met someone new. How do you ask 'What is your name?'
Having asked their name it is polite to ask how they are. How do you say 'How are you?
Raimona greets Raukura with the following sentence, 'Tēnā koe. Ko Raimona taku ingoa.' What does this mean?
How would Āwhina say 'My name is Āwhina'?
How do you ask someone what their last name is?
How would I say 'What is his/her name?'
Asking someone what another person's maiden name is you would ask...
You have been asked 'Ko wai tō ingoa whānau?' Your ingoa whānau is Kingi. What is the correct answer?
Asking someone their first and last names you would ask...
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