Exercises & Homework

Let's review a more exercises and check out the homework from Te Murumāra.

In our homework session, Te Murumāra asked what does this sentence mean? 'Kātahi anō te pēpi ka oho'.
  • The baby has just woken up
  • The people have cheered
  • The gloves have come off

How would you say 'He pukapuka ā ngā akonga' in English?
  • The students have some books
  • The teachers have pencils
  • The people have cake

How would you say 'He keke tāku' in English?
  • I have some oranges
  • I have a cake
  • I have a book

What is the correct English translation for 'He tamariki āku'?
  • I have a booth
  • I have children
  • I have a car

How would you say 'He whare hou tō māua' in English?
  • We have a new house
  • I have a dog
  • I have some books

How would you say 'He hōiho ō rāua' in English?
  • He has a bag
  • The toddler has a cake
  • Those two have horses

How would you say 'He tuākana ō rātou' in English?
  • They have grandchildren
  • They have twins
  • They have older siblings

Re-arrange the words on the right-hand side to match the words on the left-hand side.

  • deviate
  • charcoal black
  • hand movement
  • flustered
  • be dry
  • pōnānā
  • mahi ā-ringa
  • maroke
  • kotiti
  • mangu


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