Exercises & Homework

Let's check out a few more examples to help you master the learning points.

What Māori word is missing from the following sentence? 'I a te pōro?' or in English 'Who had the ball?'.


What Māori word is missing from the following sentence? 'I a Korōria pōro' or in English 'Kororia had the ball'.


What Māori word is missing from the following sentence? 'te pōro i a Māui' or in English 'Māui didn't have the ball'.


What Māori word is missing from the following sentence? 'I wai te rorohiko?' or in English 'Who had the computer?'.


What Māori word is missing from the following sentence? 'I a Matiu te' or in English 'Matiu had the computer'.


What Māori word is missing from the following sentence? 'Kāore te rorohiko a au' or in English 'I didn't have the computer'.


Re-arrange the words on the right-hand side to match the words on the left-hand side.

  • lucky
  • good news
  • ace
  • lavatory
  • camera
  • wharepaku
  • kāmera
  • rongopai
  • waimarie
  • hai

Te Murumaara's homework asks you to translate into English the following sentence that incorporates both of these sentence structures. 'Te tere hoki o Pita! Kia tūpato tō oma e Pita!'.



Useful Tips

Please ensure that you enter your answers using the correct combination of lower and upper case.

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