Exercises & Homework
Ānei ngā whakamātautau me te mahi kainga.
Your mum asks you 'What were you doing?' How would you reply in Māori 'I was walking'?
Your dad asks you 'What were those two doing?' How would you reply in Māori 'Those two were singing'?
Your friend asks you 'Who were you looking at?' How would you reply in Māori 'I was looking at Henry'?
Your sister asks 'What were the children doing?' How would you reply in English 'I te titiro ngā tamariki ki te makimaki'?
Your brother asks 'What was the dog doing?' How would you reply in English 'I te tākaro te kurī'?
Your cousin asks 'What was Andrew doing?' How would you reply in Māori 'Andrew was eating fried bread'?
Re-arrange the words on the right-hand side to match the words on the left-hand side.
- whakapōrearea
- akoranga
- whakapakari
- pororaru
- omaoma
- to run
- distracted
- to strengthen
- to bother
- lesson
Our homework from Te Murumaara is revisiting the word 'tonu'. In the following sentence, insert 'tonu' in the correct place that indicates continuous action. Kei te tākaro ngā tamariki ki waho'
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