Test & Homework

Take a look at some more revision exercises and check out the answer to the homework from Te Murumāra.

In todays homework session, Te Murumāra wants you to place the word 'hoki' correctly in the following sentence. 'I haere ia' or in English 'He went too'. '   '.

What is the correct Māori translation for 'Cabbage, sweet potato, carrots, potatos and onions are the vegetables in our garden'?
  • He pene rākau, he pene, he ruri, he pukapuka, he pēke āna taputapu mō te kura
  • Ka kite a Tama i ngā makimaki, i ngā raiona, i ngā rinorino, i ngā arewhana
  • He kāpiti, he kumara, he karoti, he riwai, he riki ngā huawhenua o tō mātou māra

What is the correct English translation for 'He kiwi, he kea, he rūrū, he pūkeko, he kererū ngā manu i kite a Hine'?
  • Hine saw a kiwi, kea, mōrepork, pūkeko and woodpigeon
  • Ka kite a Ruka i te ngāwhā, i te roto, i te whare whakairo, i te ngahere
  • Ka kainga e rātou te parāoa, te toroi, te tuna, te ika mata, te poaka

The correct English translation for 'Ka kainga e Horotiu te tuna, te kina, te kōura, te tio, te pāua'?
  • Horotiu ate an eel, see-egg, crayfish, shark and octopus
  • Horotiu ate an eel, see-egg, crayfish, oyster and pāua
  • Horohoro met an eel, a whale, a sea snake and a seahorse

The correct Māori translation for 'A sewing machine, thread, needle, scissor and material were their equipment for sewing'?
  • He pūrere tuitui, he miro, he ngira, he kutikuti, he papanga ā rāua taputapu mō te tuitui
  • Ka kite a Ruka i te ngāwhā, i te roto, i te whare whakairo, i te ngahere
  • Ka kainga e rātou te heihei, te huamata, te tomato, te pihikete, te huarākau

What is the correct Māori translation for 'young male', which is a word from the Tūhoe dialect?
  • Tāora
  • Tāhae
  • Tamāhine

What is the correct English translation for 'tini'?
  • Humorous
  • Be many
  • Listen


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