
Time to revise everything we've learnt this week!

What is the correct Māori translation for 'Walk carefully!'?
  • Kia pai te oma!
  • Kia rawe te haere!
  • Kia tūpato te hīkoi!

What is the correct English translation for 'Te haunga hoki o te kurī!'
  • How sad that baby is!
  • How bad that dog smells!
  • How lazy that cat is!

What is the correct Māori translation for 'Write carefully!'?
  • Kia tere te hīkoi!
  • Kia kaha te oma!
  • Kia tika te tuhituhi!

What is the correct English translation for 'Kia kaha te mahi'?
  • Go quickly!
  • Work hard!
  • Play nicely!

What is the correct Māori translation for 'Tō rātou ātaahua!'?
  • How angry they are!
  • How smelly they are!
  • How beautiful they are!

What is the correct Māori translation for 'Run quickly!'?
  • Kia tere te hīkoi!
  • Kia kaha te kaukau!
  • Kia tere te oma!

What is the correct Māori translation for 'How fast Peter's horse is!'
  • Te kino hoki o te hōiho o Pita!
  • Te tere hoki o te hōiho o Pita!
  • Te pai hoki o te kauhoe o tērā kōtiro!


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