
We're looking at the possessives of the 'O' category whānau. Kia kaha rā.

What is the correct English translation for 'Tamahae was very angry'?
  • Ka nui te pai o Tina!
  • Ka nui te riri o Tamahae!
  • Ka nui te hari o Karina.

What is the correct Māori translation for 'Bring your seats here'
  • Haria mai ō koutou tūru ki kōnei.
  • Ko tērā tō tūru?
  • Ko tēnei tōku tūru.

What is the correct Māori translation for 'Their land was sold to the community'?
  • Kei te kai rātou i tāku keke.
  • I haere rātou ki tō whare?
  • I hokona atu ō rātou whenua ki te hapori.

What is the correct Māori translation for 'Who are your friends?'
  • Ko wai mā ō kōrua hoa?
  • Ko wai ōku mātua?
  • Ko wai tōku kuia?

What is the correct Māori translation for 'Your teacher was excellent'?
  • He āhua pai tō kaiako.
  • He rawe tō koutou kaiako.
  • He māuiui tōku pāpā.

What is the correct Māori translation for 'Pass me some water please'?
  • Kei te nuku koe i tō tūru.
  • Kei hea te whare o Ruia?
  • Homai he wai mōku.


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