Test & Homework
Ka pai whānau! Just one more test and check of the homework and you're done for another week.
Today's homework from Te Murumāra looks at commands. Can you name three commands that are preceded by the word 'kia'?
Re-arrange the words on the right-hand side to match the words on the left-hand side.
- Tika
- Mahana
- Kaukau uwhiuwhi
- Tāone
- Pūmau
- Town/city/urban area
- Be warm
- Bath tub
- Be fixed/constant/permanent
- Be true/correct
What is the correct Māori translation for 'Kei runga pea i te moenga'?
What is the correct Māori translation 'Maybe it's on the other side of the table'?
What is the correct Māori translation for 'Maybe she will return tomorrow'
What is the correct English translation for 'Āhea a Pita hoki mai ai?'
What is the correct English translatin for 'Āhea tērā mahi oti ai?'
What is the correct English translation for 'Ā tērā wiki'?
Useful Tips
Please ensure that you enter your answers using the correct combination of lower and upper case.
To make it easy to enter macrons, select the box you wish to enter text into, and press the correct macron button below.