We covered the use of 'ki' and 'i' this week. Let's take time to review their distinct use and meanings.
In the sentence 'E mātakitaki ana ngā tangata i te netipaoro' what is the action?
In the sentence 'Kei te pupuri ia i tana whutupaoro' what is the action?
In the sentence 'Kei te eke ia i tōna paihikara' what is the object?
In the sentence 'E whāngai ana mäua i a ia' what is the goal?
In the sentence 'Kei te patu te tamaiti i te pōro' what is the object?
In the sentence 'E mātakitaki ana ngā tāngata i te netipaoro' what links the action to the object?
In the sentence 'I rongo rātou i te koroua e ngongoro ana' what is the action?
In the sentence 'Kua kite rätou i te poaka rahi' what is the object?
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