Let's take another look into the 'a' and 'o' categories and the rules that they possess!
The whakapapa of kinship terms shows that if the kinship relationship is of a generation below that of the possessor, that is, children, nieces, nephews, grandchildren etc - they fall into what category?
What possessive determiner is used to say 'my' under the 'a' category?
Under the 'a' category which word is used to say 'your'?
'Tāna' is a word that is used to describe 'his' or 'her' and this word falls under the 'o' category. Is this true?
How would you ask 'Who is her daughter?'
How would you ask 'Who is your son?'
'Ko Hine tāku irāmutu' is Māori for which option below?
Which of the following is the correct translation for 'Anthony is her son'?
Which of the following is the translation for 'Hone is your husband'?
How would you ask 'Who is your daughter?'
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