
Guess what? It's time to test what you have learnt over the past few days.

Complete these sentences by typing in the missing word. What is your name - Ko wai tō   ?

Complete this sentence by typing in the missing word. 'I am exhausted! - Kei te   ahau!'

Complete this sentence by typing in the missing word. Ko Rakura   ingoa.

Complete this sentence by typing in the missing word. The Māori word for drink is   .

Te mutunga ke mai o te   . What is the missing word?

If 'tō' means your - singular, what does taku mean?  

Wind or breath in Māori is...  

What is the missing number in the sequence - waru,   , tekau?

Ono, whitu,   , iwa, tekau. What is the missing number?

What is the Māori word for supermarket?  


Useful Tips

Please ensure that you enter your answers using the correct combination of lower and upper case.

To make it easy to enter macrons, select the box you wish to enter text into, and press the correct macron button below.

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