
Revision again whānau. Relationship terms and place names.

If someone told you they were going to Te Whanganui-ā-Tara, where would they be going?  

Your cousin is getting married in Kirikiriroa in two weeks time. If you want to attend the wedding, where will you have to travel to?  

Tāmaki Mākaurau is the Māori name of a famous New Zealand city. Tāmaki Mākaurau is at the top end of the North Island, not the bottom end. Is this statement true or false?  

If someone tells you that they are a whanaunga, then they are related to you - true or false?  

The concept of tuakana and teina in Māori society is very important, as it helps define family relationships. A tuakana is an older brother of a sister - true or false?  

Your 'teina' is your older sister. Is this statement true or false?  



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