Tests are the theme this week, because on Saturday, you'll have your first major test of the course.
The eastern dialect for mother is which of the following?
How would you say your iwi affiliation is Tūhoe?
Is it common for people to say their iwi and hapu first and then the town they grew up in?
If you wanted to say that you're from Maniapoto, how would you say this?
If someone asks you 'Nō hea koe?' which of the following are you likely to reply with?
Tāmaki Makaurau is the Māori place name for which New Zealand city?
What is the Māori translation for 'mountain'?
What is the Māori word for 'river'?
'Iwi' is the Māori word for subtribe. Is this statement true or false?
'Hapū' is the Māori word for subtribe. Is this statement true or false?
What is the English translation for 'whanaunga'?
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